Fallout 4 john miller bomb shelter location
Fallout 4 john miller bomb shelter location

fallout 4 john miller bomb shelter location

During the construction of I-5, the shelter was built into the area beneath the southbound lanes of the freeway where it crosses Weedin Place, just east of Green Lake and just north of the University District, around 68th Street in North Seattle.Īn odd-looking concrete box that’s visible from I-5 is the shelter’s air vent and is the only indication to freeway drivers that this isn’t a typical overpass. The shelter, with its 15-inch thick concrete walls, dates to 1963 and is kitty-corner from the old John Marshall School. “So it wasn’t designed to survive a direct nuclear strike on Seattle.” “It’s a pretty minimal shelter, and it’s not actually a bomb shelter, it’s a fallout shelter,” Williams told KIRO Radio. He oversees the state’s historically significant highways and bridges, and, yes, its one-of-a-kind fallout shelter. Scott Williams is the manager of the Washington State Department of Transportation’s Cultural Resources Program.

Fallout 4 john miller bomb shelter location